terms and conditions


Confidentiality is the foundation of Counseling. Relentless Counseling adheres to this principle. Relentless Counseling ensures the confidentiality of your treatment and all information given by clients. All information recorded can be trusted to be solely used in maintaining effective therapeutic treatment.

All information disclosed within sessions and the written records pertaining to those sessions are confidential and may not be revealed to anyone without your written permission except where disclosure is required by law.

Anti-Discrimination Policy

Therapy is a safe space to be open and free from bias. Relentless Counseling puts that in its practice daily. Relentless Counseling is committed to honor and value the differences of everyone that is wanting and reaching out to better their lives. Relentless Counseling does not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, gender identity, sexual preference or orientation, marital/partnership status, religion, race, color, national origin, disability, heritage or political belief.

Cancellation Policy

Relentless Counseling understands life happens and things become out of our control and adjustments have to be made. Since the scheduling of an appointment involves the reservation of time specifically for you, a minimum of 24 hours (1 days) notice is required for re-scheduling or canceling an appointment. Unless we reach a different agreement, the full fee will be charged for sessions missed without such notification. After 3 consecutive missed appointments, Relentless Counseling will terminate treatment services and the client is able to reestablish services when it is a better time.

Data Held and Why

Relentless Counseling is committed in helping the client heal and reach their goals of treatment. Relentless Counseling adheres to proper and professional note taking of key/major points of each session throughout the course of treatment to document progress and to assist the client in identifying their progress while in treatment.

Relentless Counseling records the number of sessions and invoices for business purpose and confidentiality and privacy is upheld at all times.

The client is a part of this process, each step of the way and Relentless Counseling discusses with the you, the client would like to be contacted and will notify Relentless Counseling of any change in details.

How is Data stored

Notes from sessions and all information gathered from you the client, is held electronically through a secured encrypted EHR system. It is held on my computer that is password protected. Phone contact details are held in system under protected password and never saved to my business phone.

Clients records are held for 7 years for the purpose for which they were collected. Clients have the right at time of termination to request their record to be deleted before 7 year time frame by written request to Relentless Counseling.

Access to Data

Clients can request their records by written request. If any unforeseen circumstances of data breaches, Relentless Counseling will inform the client as soon as possible and the necessary steps Relentless Counseling has taken to protect and fix the situation.

This policy was last modified on September 4, 2020